Today, an increasing number of enterprises spread their cloud infrastructure, apps and data across multiple service providers. In some circumstances, this is planned in order to benefit from the specific services, expertise or prices of different vendors, while in others it’s because expansion into the cloud has been left to individual departments to take care of. As a consequence, many enterprises find it a challenge to take full advantage of all that a multicloud approach can offer.
Though adopting a multicloud strategy does provide organisations with more options, spreading workloads across different providers is not without its challenges. Many businesses lack the in-house expertise to implement a multicloud approach and it can be harder to manage and keep secure. Here we discuss some of the steps enterprises will need to consider when adopting multicloud.
Assessment and planning
Before commencing a multicloud journey, it is vital that enterprises assess their existing infrastructure to see how effective it is in supporting their operations to achieve desired outcomes. This will highlight the company’s needs in terms of what is needed now and what is likely to be required going forward. This doesn’t just include assessing requirements in terms of the company’s operations and services, but also of its needs with regard to cost, security, data insights and so forth.
From this assessment, enterprises will be able to plan their multicloud strategy more effectively, ensuring that future cloud migrations will provide the solutions needed for data, apps, security and finance.
Dealing with migration issues
Migrating to the cloud can be a major challenge for enterprises, which is why it is always helpful to partner with an expert IT solutions provider, like Hyperslice, that can simplify the process and undertake much of the hard work for you.
Migration will involve not just IT input, such as creating the right cloud architecture, modernising applications, automating workloads and setting up security; organisations will also need to consider its impact on the budget, the need for staff training, the effects of digital transformation on company culture and how roles and jobs might change as cloud usage increases. These issues need to be managed carefully to ensure a seamless transition.
Managing a multicloud
Several key considerations need to be looked at when managing a multicloud. At the basic level, there are tasks such as server admin and optimisation. With multiple cloud providers, this is likely to take up considerably more of the IT team’s time than with a single cloud provider. However, making use of a managed cloud solution, like those from Hyperslice, means that these tasks can be taken care of by the service provider, freeing up internal talent.
It is also more difficult to manage security when multiple vendors are used, as defensive measures have to straddle the entire multicloud. This makes it vital to choose service providers that have strong security themselves, including network security. For compliance purposes, it is also vital that enterprises can monitor their various cloud platforms to ensure governance across them is robust.
From a financial perspective, it can also be harder to monitor cloud usage when different platforms are being used. Organisations will need to manage redundancy carefully to avoid financial waste and make careful use of pay-per-use scaling to minimise costs. There are now AI-based applications available that not only monitor existing and predict future cloud usage but also provide insights into ways that storage and resource use can be minimised.
An ongoing process
The ways that an enterprise makes use of the cloud will constantly change. New technologies, changes in the market and business growth will all have an impact on its future needs. If a multicloud approach is to be both effective and efficient, it’s crucial that an organisation’s infrastructure, apps, data and security remain aligned with growth and stay up to date with innovation. At the same time, as usage grows, so does the need to maximise performance and minimise cost. Without these, enterprises won’t be able to take full advantage of technologies like AI, ML, big data, automation and IoT that are driving organisations forward.
A multicloud approach can be highly beneficial for enterprises. It enables them to store data, run applications and carry out workloads in a more cost-effective way and use the expertise of specific vendors to help them achieve optimal outcomes. However, to deploy multicloud effectively, it is vital to assess current infrastructure, plan for future needs and potential migration issues, and manage usage, costs, security and growth. Hyperslice IT Strategy and Consultancy brings together expert technical knowledge and proven commercial prowess, helping enterprises utilise a multicloud strategy to boost productivity and revenue. For more information visit our IT Strategy & Consultancy page.